[Jamie's Innerworkings] "Slightly Bored and Severely Confused"

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Honestly, not in the mood

Alright, so usually I can handle "holier-than-thou" agents tolerably well. Not this morning. Especially when they don't work for my company.


A David Beaton calls for one of our agents, and first he asks for my agent with the wrong last name. And when I verify that he is indeed asking for who I think he is, he gets snarky with me... "well how many agents do you have that sound like that?"

So I begin typing the message, get his name and number and now, its my office policy to get what it is a regarding, especially if its an agent who doesn't get a lot of calls (we don't let other companies solicit our agents, nor does my boss pay his receptionists to page agents with personal messages through the work number). When I ask what its regarding, I get this in response:

Him: Just tell her to call me
Me: Its my office policy that I must get what it is regarding to page out messages
Him: I don't care what your office policy is, I'm telling you to tell her to call me
Me: Alright, Bye, *click*

Ha, guess what Mr. Holier-than-thou Beaton, just for that, your message will get saved and not be paged out. Jerk.

Honestly people should stop testing me, I'm really a bitch if you haven't noticed


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