[Jamie's Innerworkings] "Slightly Bored and Severely Confused"

Friday, November 10, 2006

Honest to goodness, this happened

So I was on my way to Scarberia to visit my sister last night, and I was on the bus reading the fifth Harry Potter.

This older, Jamaican woman approaches me when I got off the bus.

JW: Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me (I didn't hear her the first two times cause I had my headphones on)
M: [removes headphones] Yes?
JW: Thats a pretty big book you are reading there.
M: [looks confused] Ya, I guess it is
JW: Have you ever heard of the other big book?
M: 0.o
JW: The Bible?
M: Oh, I'm a Christian
JW: [look of shock] You are a Christian and you are reading that filth? [kisses teeth] That is confusion! [walks away]

Damn freaking evangelists.

Folks, this is why people think Christians are dicks. And, I'd tend to agree.


  • At 3:35 PM, Blogger Jeff C. said…

    Stupid evangelicals. You should have pretended to cast a spell on her in some weird made-up language.


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